
Our expert piano delivery team carry out all of our customer deliveries. Every customer’s address is different, so we may ask you a few questions about access before delivery. We charge £125.00 within a 50-mile radius of WV15 6NU.

We operate on a tier radius system when calculating deliveries, please see this breakdown below:

These prices are based on simple ground floor deliveries. If you have any more than 2 steps, obstacles, or tight turns this figure will need to be re-assessed.

If you have any questions regarding your delivery, please contact us on 07554 381 801 or email us at

Non-ground floor delivery

If your address has more than 2 steps leading to the property entrance, or requires 1st floor or higher for delivery, then a surcharge will be applied.

You will be asked to provide us with pictures and measurements of the access/delivery issues for our expert delivery team and a price will be calculated for you and a member of the Thompson Pianos team will be in touch to let you know the cost.

Please email with all pictures and measurements required. If your property has a lift installed and the piano can successfully fit inside, then no additional fee will be applied.